Sunday, March 29, 2009

Back to school, back to school, to show my dad I'm not a fool.

So maybe I'm going back to school... yet again.  Apparently I either don't think I'm useful enough as is or I just love debt.  Since I'm trying to make myself useful in a developing country I am considering becoming a Family Nurse Practitioner.  That's another two years full-time.  They make some programs that "fit with the full-time worker's schedule."  Which is really brochure talk for "You're going to hate your life for a really long time."  I'm also going to be volunteering at a place called Africa House soon.  It's an organization that helps refugees assimilate into our culture.  I'll teach the American essentials such as ordering fast food and driving while talking on a cell phone.
Also, I pitched a class idea to one of my church leaders.  Its a class teaching about third world issues (genocide, health care, trade, education, clean water, etc. ) and some things everyone can do to help.  I'd be excited to teach again, it's been a long time.  
Sarah and I also celebrated our 3 year anniversary.  We went to the beach for a night and had a great time, other than all the rain.  Cause that's why people head out to the beach, inclement weather.  It has been a fun first 3 years and I am looking forward to many more, up to the day that Sarah cashes that sweet sweet life insurance check and dries her eyes with the passing winds in her new convertible.  


Robby and Lynsey said...

This made me laugh - to think of Sarah drying her tears with her insurance bought convertible. :) You're a goof.

Glad you got to celebrate your anniversary at the beach!

ryan said...

The good news is that you can defer those loans even longer!

Melissa said...

The bad news is that we won't see any little Davis's running around for at least three more years. I'm bummed.

Sarah D. said...

Can you defer them until you die of old age? I hope so! Otherwise school loans are going to be the story of our lives!

Sarah D. said...

I think I'll just fake my own death and get them taken care of all together

Sarah D. said...

Opps, that was me, not Sarah. Great, now if I do die I just incriminated my wife.

Sarah D. said...

Sweet, I'm murder suspect now!

Note: This is the real Sarah this time not someone impersonating her.